About St. Cloud State

University Distinctions

University Distinctions

Explore St. Cloud State Distinctions and Facts

The oak leaf has long been a symbol for life and learning at St. Cloud State, where change is as constant as the flowing waters of the Mississippi River. Here the oak leaf signifies distinctions and facts that set St. Cloud State apart and foster institutional pride.

How to use:

  • Use the fields and tabs below to search for distinctions and facts that set St. Cloud State apart. A distinction is a story about an award, accomplishment, agreement, unique offering or excellent program. Facts are data-centered statements about the University including enrollment, economic impact and general statistics.
  • Use the check boxes with each entry and the report-building tool to create a customized PDF, based on distinctions and facts you've selected.
  • Use the submission form to suggest additions and corrections to the University Distinctions website.

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